Galaxy Ace

Here is what you will need:

  • Install Kies and connect your galaxy ace to your computer with Kies open, this makes sure that you have all the drivers installed. Then close Kies and unplug phone.
  • Download Odin Multi Downloader v4.38 from here (Imp.- version no. is important) and the cooper_v1.0.ops file from here.
  • Now download a firmware of your choice from
  • Make sure you have the phone’s battery charged to at least 40-50%.
  • Now that you have everything now you need to go and set Odin.

The reason for this is certain firmware zip files require extra resources, depending on the files in the zip file it should be easy to decide which method you use. 


Method 1:

  • Make sure you have all the files above. Download the firmware from the above, extract it and you will get a single S5830DDKQ8_S5830ODDKQ7_S5830DDKQ8_HOME.tar.md5 file.
  • Password to extract is
  • Run Odin Multidownloader for Galaxy Ace GT-S5830.
  • Check One Package, Auto reboot and Protect OPS check boxes.
  • Click on OPS button and Load Cooper_v1.0.ops file on it.
  • now go to the bottom and click on One Package button.
  • Load the Single S5830DDKQ8_S5830ODDKQ7_S5830DDKQ8_HOME.tar.md5 file in One Package field.

Method 2:
  • On ODIN select the OPS button and load the Cooper_v1.0.ops file unto it. Ensure that the Auto-RebootProtect OPS and Reset Time are checked.
  • Unzip the firmware .Zip file  in a folder If you get have the contents in .TAR (or .tar.md5), Check “One Package” option on the left side & skip PDA, Phone, CSC, BOOT  options & directly go to ‘One Package’ option. Browse for the .tar (or .tar.md5) file & select it. 
Else leave the ‘One Package’ option unchecked &
-Click on BOOT and select the file called  APBOOT
-Click on PHONE and select the file called MODEM
-Click on PDA and select the file called CODE
-Click on CSC and select a file called CSC 
WARNING: Do not select anything in EFS


  • Once Odin is configured, power off your galaxy ace.
  • Boot up your device in download mode:

(Press Volume Down + Home + Power button simultaneously).
Press the Home + Power key and Volume Down Key

  • When your phone is in download mode, then connect your phone to PC via USB cable. 
  • On ODIN a COM Port mapping will indicate and turn to colour yellow if the device is already detected, and may say detected. Then you may press Start button.
  • Wait for about 5-6 minutes for Odin to flash the firmware and then when it says PASS at the top left box, you may disconnect your device.


  • You’re phone is mostly likely to reboot into new ROM now. Change the default language at your own Region & you’re done. 
Note- In some cases, you might get a boot loop. Simply shutdown & reboot into Recovery Mode Followed by the points below:
1 - Turn phone off.
2 - Hold down home button.
3 - Whilst still holding down home button hold the power button down to turn phone on.
4 - When you see Samsung logo let go off power button but keep holding home button.
5 - When you see recovery menu can let go of home button.
6 - Then Wipe Cache Partition & clear personal Data/Factory Reset. Restart Again. Done, you are now running stock firmware.


For whatever firmware you are rooting rename to otherwise the recovery may not detect it.

If you are on Froyo (2.2)
  1. Download SuperOneClick 1.9.5 ( from here and extract it anywhere on your PC.
  2. On your phone, make sure USB debugging is enabled in Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging.
  3. Now connect your phone to the computer and run SuperOneClick.exe and hit the Root button.
If you are on Gingerbread (2.3) 
  1. Download from here and copy it to the root of your SD card.
  2. Reboot into recovery by holding the Home and Power button, letting go of the power button once you see the Samsung logo.
  3. Navigate to update from sdcard (with the help volume buttons) and then select upd_.1zip.
  4. Once the file is flashed (takes around 2 seconds), reboot the device from the recovery menu.
Those who are getting errors and cant root their phone , Download this file and use it instead of “”
Congratulations you have successfully rooted your phone.
How to verify whether I am rooted?
Go to the app drawer, there should be an app called superuser present there.
This was easy, what should I do next?
Play around. The next natural step in the evolution cycle will be to install Clockworkmod recovery & have all its awesome benefits.


  1. Download ClockworkMod Recovery (Applicable to Gingerbread)
  2. Once the CWM zip file is downloaded, place it to your sdcard.
  3. Now reboot in recovery mode. (By pressing and holding Power button+Menu button during boot)
  4. Select ‘Apply Update from SDcard‘ and select the CWM zip file placed in your sdcard. Script will take only a few seconds to run.
  5. Restart from recovery. For verifying, go into recovery again. You will find stock recovery has been updated to CWM Recovery.
  1. Download ClockworkModRecovery (Applicable to Gingerbread)
  2. Once the CWM zip file is downloaded, place it to your sdcard.
  3. Now reboot in CWM recovery v4 (By pressing and holding Power button+Menu button during boot)
  4. Select ‘Apply Update from SDcard‘ and select the CWM zip file placed in your sdcard. (Note: If your zip file isn’t named as, please select option “Choose zip from sdcard” and select the .zip downloaded above).
  5. Restart from recovery. For verifying, go into recovery again. You will find that recovery has been updated to CWM Recovery.

FLASHING CUSTOM FIRMWARE may need renaming to, but see if it works first!
  1. Boot into ClockworkMod Recovery v5 by holding power+home key during boot.
  2. Wipe Cache and Dalvik cache from the recovery.
  3. Now copy ROM.ZIP downloaded to the root of sd card.
  4. In recovery, select ‘Install zip from sd card‘and then select ROM.ZIP’ you copied to your sd card.
  5. Select install and allow the process to complete.


If root is not pre installed with a ROM copy the ‘’ to your SD card:
  1. Reboot into recovery.
  2. Select ‘Install zip from SD card-> Toggle script asserts’
  3. Now select the ‘’ you copied to your SD card in step 3 above. Select install.
Market is installed in most custom firmware but if it isn't follow the below steps
If the market is not installed copy the file to your SD card and then follow the above steps. But this time use or the latest version of gApps instead of

Congratulations, let me know if you have any problems! I do not take credit for the, tutorials above! I did not write them, but I did bring them all together in a easy to use way, and made sure the links are up to date, as some had previously expired. Hope you find this useful!

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